A year ago, I talked about a mirror that we needed for your house HERE. At first, we thought that it would be for our bedroom, but then I realized that my entryway was so bare and there is no space for a console or something like that, so we decided that a big mirror would be a good option to say hello to our guests! Hace ahora justo un año, os hablaba sobre un espejo que necesitábamos para nuestr ...
It´s no necessary that I tell you that New York City is one of the most amazing cities around the world. Although my romance with NYC began almost 15 years ago, this year I have renewed my vows. I know that you can found tons of post about NYC on the internet, but I just want to do my tribute. No es necesario que os cuente que Nueva York es una de las ciudades mas alucinantes del mundo. Aunque mi ...
Siempre me han encantado los jarrones de espejo y a pesar de que he comprado mas de uno, tenía la tentación de hacer uno por mi misma, así que compré unos espejos cuadrados en la tienda CASA y me puse manos a la obra, hasta que conseguí el jarrón que veis en la imagen, os gusta? Pues seguir leyendo! I love Mirror vases and I wanted to do one to decor my house for our wedding, so I bought a pack of ...
Una de las cosas que tuve claras desde el primer momento es que para mi boda quería preparar una habitación especial para vestirme, nuestro piso sólo tiene 2 habitaciones, por lo que la cosa era fácil, la habitación de invitados iba a ser mi santuario los días previos a la boda.... Mi habitación solía ser ASI, lo sé! la camita es preciosa, pero necesitábamos una mas grande, ya que si venían dos pe ...
Hi everyone! As you can see, I wasn´t be able to write anything in the past month, so I thougt that you deserve a little explanation. I´m planing my wedding, and I have practicaly no time at the moment, but I´m doing a lot of projects in my house that I will upload in the next months. It is posible that I´ll come back in June, meanwhile I will share all my adventures on my instagram. I hope that w ...
As I said in my new year resolutions HERE. I´m trying to include new themes to my blog, but I´m missing so much my beloved DIY´s. So today, finaly! I´m going to share with you my last DIY. If you like hearts this is for you. I´m going to share how to customice a card holder, album or notebook, with just one thing: Velvet adhesive paper. Tal y como os dije en mis propósitos de año nuevo HERE. Est ...