Blog de LaBodaMasLoca
Dogs Are Awesome Gordo's friends arrived on an unannounced visit to say goodbye because he is leaving on a trip.
Si los gastos de la boda se descontrolan...recorta el presupuesto del viaje de novios, ¡¡¡NUNCA DE LA ROPA!!!
Fly fishing in the Rain Fly Fishing during a light rain and seeing the mist rise from the water while catching trout was amazing.
En la Boda de Cris y Gus el 8 de agosto en Cepa 21 , Castrillo de Duero, Valladolid. Una ceremonia civil donde el vino y la cerveza corrierón a raudales. Antes de la ceremonia los invitados ya disponian de barra libre... M&S Videoclap
El videocool en la boda de Ana y Manolo... donde todos cantaron y se lo pasaron "en grande" Fraco Fotografía
A Dog's Life It has been raining here for the last week and Gordo & Dino have been itching to get out of the house before winter starts. They fattened up on "Thanksgiving treats" to build up their winter coats before the snow begins to fall. Thanks for watching. Please comment, rate and subscribe.